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Certified Instructors and RCM-R Consultant Partner Licensees

Partners who provide tactical, managerial and strategic program delivery.

Certified Instructor

Certification and Competency Guaranteed

Certified Instructors must be certified as competent to teach as well as licensed to deliver the courses using Conscious Reliability materials and methods. The Instructor certification program gives your client a guarantee of quality, knowledge and professionalism. For purposes of maintaining our credibility, we want Instructors who can deliver on what they are teaching. The courses are intended for practical application, not merely for academic interest. As a Certified Instructor, you have opportunities to teach around the world with professional Resellers and Consultants, wherever Conscious Reliability programs are offered.

RCM-R Consultant

Exceptional service and professionalism worldwide

Licensed RCM-R Consultants are highly trained, with extensive skills and certified in the RCM-R methods. As a Consultant, you are certified and licensed to promote RCM-R and Uptime products services, instruct courses and deliver projects, even on a global scale. You will know what works and what doesn’t work. You will share the RCM-R and Uptime values of integrity and honesty; always working for the betterment of your clients – and they know it!

Conscious Reliability embraces Consultant Licensees were they can complement each other’s services and add value to their training reputation and consulting productivity.

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